North Korea Has Threatened To ‘Wipe Out New York’ With H-Bomb

A week after threatening attacks on the U.S and South Korea – North Korea now claims they could specifically target Manhattan with a hydrogen bomb.
The country first claimed to have successfully tested a hydrogen bomb back in January – and also said they could mount the powerful warhead onto long-range missiles.
The international community was understandably sceptical about the development, however North Korea insists they have the capability, reports the Washington Post.

The North’s state-run media outlet, DPRK, has also issued a statement saying:
Our hydrogen bomb is much bigger than the one developed by the Soviet Union.
If this H-bomb were to be mounted on an intercontinental ballistic missile and fall on Manhattan in New York City, all the people there would be killed immediately and the city would burn down to ashes.
This is the latest in a series of threats over the past few weeks, reports Mashable. 
At the beginning of March, North Korea fired missiles into the sea after the U.N  imposed sanctions on the country.
North Korea then issued a threat against the U.S and South Korea saying:
If we push the buttons to annihilate the enemies even right now, all bases of provocations will be reduced to seas in flames and ashes in a moment.

Then last week, the country responded to sanctions from South Korea by claiming it would liquidate all remaining South Korean assets at former cooperative projects in the North.
As well as all this, the country is reportedly dealing with the loss of a military submarine which they lost contact with during a recent exercise.
There’s never a dull moment is there.

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