This Lad Haunted Someone's Facebook By Trolling Everything They Did And It's Hilarious

We all love to sit back, get the popcorn out and watch two people go at it on Facebook, it's in our DNA. 
Usually, someone has kicked off with an irrational status and another feels the need to knock them down a peg or two by hitting them with some home truths. 
Well, this lad went as far as haunting everything that his opposite number did on Facebook and it's hilarious. 

Among Brendan's ideologies about same sex marriage, religion and controversial film rating systems, Robert manages to find the right balance of humour and sarcasm to make this as brilliant as it is. 
The persistence of both is something to respect. You'd think after at least four posts from Brendan he'd check them over numerous times to make sure he's not hassled by Robert again. On the other hand, we must praise the latter for giving us some amazing Facebook entertainment. 

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