Old method, but still works haha

Exam dreams can be nerve-racking.  Imagine… you’re sitting at your desk in school. 
You watch as the teacher hands out papers to each student.  
When she comes to you, you stare blankly at the page in front of you.  You completely forgot about the test today!  You panic. You don’t even what its on.  You are going to fail.
 Suddenly, the scene fades to black and disappears.  You are back in your bed. With a sigh of relief, you realize it was a dream. 
These dreams can cause anxiety and most people have this dream from time-to-time.  Exam dreams can be stressful and you usually find yourself either late or unprepared for the exam. If you’re a student these dreams often reflect your own feelings about test-taking. 
 Pay attention to how you felt during the dream.  Your feelings during the dream generally mirror a feeling you have in waking life. If you felt anxious during the dream, you may be feeling anxious in your waking life too.  Your anxiety about taking a test may be sabotaging your success. 
 If this feels true, you might take action on the dream by doing something to relax before the exam like deep breathing or meditation.

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