Fear and failure are illusions that are self-created. Close your eyes and ask yourself. “What is your biggest fear?” Typically mostly will answer with, “failure” hoping to demonstrate they don’t look for failure in their future. When you close your eyes.
What you’re sitting down on, that is substance. It’s real, it’s holding you together. We know that is a fact, because you haven’t fallen. But, everything you see, everything you touch, everything you hear, everything you taste, and smell is self-created in your mind. It’s something you create from perception. If you can understand you can create something just from your perception, you’ll realize you’re able to create anything. You can make the impossible, possible. So, before you open your eyes, remember that power you hold within.
And, with that power, try to move forward only with the substance and power you control. One of my favorite quotes that I try to live by is, “Miracles are just a shift in perception from fear to love.” The truth is, is that if you are fearful of failure, it’s impossible to move forward in life. Failure is just a matter of perspective. You can fail, but how you choose to react to it defines what kind of future you will have. We can choose to see failure as ‘the end of the world,’ or as proof of just how inadequate we are. Or, we can look at failure as the incredible learning experience that it is. Failure stop us only if we let it. Failure isn’t substance, it’s just a mere illusion of our insecurities. “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas A. Edison Read